Math Is a Universal Language. Or Is It?

With more than 7,000 languages currently spoken by peoples of the world, we humans are in dire need of a universal language, not to mention a way to communicate with other sentient species on Earth and beyond. In this session, we will examine Math's role as such a language, from straight lines to continued fractions. After all, math is universal. Or is it? Come and see!

Informacje o prowadzących
Maria Droujkova

Dr. Maria Droujkova focuses her research and development efforts on learning communities, informal education, online education, and game design. She holds a Ph.D. in Mathematics Education from NCSU, and M.S. in Mathematics from Tulane. Maria is the founder of Natural Math, an educational design, consulting, and publishing organization started in 1996. In 2020, Maria co-founded the 501(c)(3) non-profit Natural Math Alliance. Maria works on community-responsive projects, family mathematics, and making advanced mathematics accessible to everyone in kind ways. She co-authored Moebius Noodles and Avoid Hard Work, popular books with innovative mathematical activities for parents, teachers, and math circle leaders.

Tatiana Shubin
Tatiana Shubin is a Mathematics Professor Emeritus at San Jose State University where she taught for 35 years. She is a co-founder and co-director of the Alliance of Indigenous Math Circles. She has a long history of working with math circles, including one of the original math circles for students in the United States and the very first Math Teachers’ Circle, as well as working for the Mathematical Association of America and American Mathematical Society. She authored and edited several math books for aspiring students and their teachers.

Paul A Zeitz
Paul Zeitz is an emeritus professor at the University of San Francisco, where he worked for 30 years. He has been involved with mathematical outreach at all levels, including working with teachers, students of all ages, and coaching IMO teams. He is the author of The Art and Craft of Problem Solving.
